map of all tourist attractions in Austria

Attractions in Austria

has more views than
  • max.84£
At about 700 metres above the abyss, the viewing platform stands not far from the Triassic Park on the Steinplatte and offers you a magnificent view of the...
Adult €28
Child €16
Sen. €27
As part of the picturesque Sunnenseit'n Weg , the suspension bridge spans majestically over the Stubai Valley . The structure is located at an altitude of 1,300 meters and offers a...
11 °C
In the middle of the Salzburger Sportwelt, on the beautiful swimming lake in Flachauwinkl, you will find a unique Teamparcours. The heart of this complex is a high-ropes course...
12 °C
Tulln gardens are a perfect destination for the whole family. Spend an eventful day or just stroll around the gardens and relax. Explore the diversity...
Adult €15
Sen. €14
11 °C
Young holiday-makers on Stubai Glacier can look forward to a special adventure: right by Eisgrat top station, a six metre (20 feet) mammoth made of...
Adult €28.70
Child €14.40
Sen. €23
Note: The Bärenschütz Gorge is closed for the time being after a rockfall at the beginning of July 2020! The Bärenschütz Gorge in Styria is one of...
Adult €5
Child €3.50
Sen. €5
The Kundler Gorge is one of the most beautiful gorges in Austria. It is the shortest connection between Kundl and the Wildschönau, through which the Wildschönauer Ache flows. But...
12 °C
Are your kids really into the Stone Age? The children's room is crammed with dinosaur replicas and on excursions they turn over every stone and search for...
Adult €28
Child €16
Sen. €27
Who wouldn't want to swing in the middle of the mountains at an altitude of over 1600 metres? Hochkönig will be able to offer this from 2023 onwards. At Gabühel in Dienten, you...
This popular excursion destination fascinates young and old and offers dizzying insights into one of the most beautiful wild waters in Tyrol. In...
Adult €5
Sen. €4
15 °C
THE STAGE IS SET: FOR A GREAT NATURAL SPECTACLE ON MOUNT AHORN! Check this out! Your very own blockbuster awaits you high up in the mountains of Tyrol...
Adult €40.50
Child €20
Sen. €40.50
An attraction of a special kind awaits visitors to southern Burgenland in the artists' village of Neumarkt an der Raab, where art and culture unite in a very special way. You can...

The 5 most popular Attractions in Austria

1.Christmas market Vienna
2.Prater Vienna
3.Alpine Coaster Imst
4.5fingers Platform Krippenstein near Obertraun
5.Alpine Coaster Mieders
Complete Ranking
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