map of all tourist attractions in Germany

Museums in Germany

has more views than
  • max.84£
Whoever visits the Museum Village Bavarian Forest experiences a journey into the former reality of life of the inhabitants of the Bavarian Forest. Old...
Adult €7
Presented in German and French, the entertaining exhibition in Lörrach covers the past and present history of the Three Countries region "Germany -...
Adult €3
Sen. €3
The Linden-Museum in Stuttgart is one of the largest ethnological museums in Europe. In addition to large special exhibitions, the museum presents permanent...
Adult €4
The fact that there is a marine museum in the Mecklenburg inland of all places is due to the history of the town of Waren/Müritz. From 1940 to 1996...
Adult €4
13 °C
One of the most important historical personalities for the city of Magdeburg and Saxony-Anhalt has been Emperor Otto the Great because he founded the...
Adult €7.50
15 °C
The Museum "Brot und Kunst" (bread and art) is located in Ulm and focuses on the consideration of bread and food in our culture and society. The...
Adult €6
Child €5
Sen. €5
13 °C
The castle Trausnitz Castle is situated above the city and offers a beautiful view of Landshut. Visitors are guided through the castle's medieval...
Adult €5.50
A collection of over 2000 works of art, two temporary exhibitions and a permanent exhibition on 1700 m² as well as a fantastic panoramic view of the Rhine Valley, which can be enjoyed...
10 °C
The archaeological park and Roman museum offer a glimpse into the history of the Roman city of Xanten . Today's Xanten was one of the most important cities...
Adult €11
Sen. €11
16 °C
The "Arche Nebra" takes you on an exciting journey back in time 3,600 years ago. The visitor center is located on the Mittelberg Plateau, where the Nebra...
Adult €8.50
Child €5.50
The Bavarian School Museum Ichenhausen is dedicated to the history and development of the school system over several thousand years. The beginning...
Adult €4
Sen. €3
The Bauhaus in Dessau was one of the most famous schools of architecture and art . Hardly any building embodies “modernity” more than the Bauhaus and the...
Adult €9
10 °C
On an exhibition area of around 600 square meters, visitors will find the Daimler Art Collection in the lavishly renovated Haus Huth. Around 2000 works of art by artists from all over...
11 °C
The DeJa Vu Museum is located in Berlin, between Hackesche Höfe and Alexanderplatz. Here you will be transported into a fascinating world of optical...
Adult €15
Child €13
Sen. €15
11 °C
In the open-air aviation museum in Finowfurt you will not only find technology to marvel at, but also to touch, experience and play with! Each of the...
Adult €8
Child €4
Sen. €6
10 °C
Asbach Monastery is located near Rotthalmünster in the district of Passau and its exhibition is part of the Bavarian National Museum. The collection...
Adult €5
The Franz Liszt Museum is located in Liszt's dying house, near Haus Wahnfried, the home of his son-in-law Richard Wagner. Liszt died in 1886 while...
Adult €2
Child €1
The world's first Dackel Museum has found a new home: Since the end of April 2023, everything revolves around the Bavarians' favorite four-legged friend...
Adult €6
The newspaper has always been a medium that plays a very special role in our society. As a result, she can always tell a very special story, not only about...
Adult €5
The German Hygiene Museum in Dresden is a unique museum among the museums in Europe. The museum is a place that connects science, culture, and education....
Adult €12
10 °C
At the "Verkehrsmuseum Dresden", near the Frauenkirche and the Residenzschloss, an exploration tour through the history of transportation awaits you. The...
Adult €11
10 °C
The Bauhaus Museum Weimar tells the story of the State Bauhaus in Weimar, the most important university for design of the 20th century. Among the highlights...
Adult €10
Sen. €7
In the AUTOVISION museum you go on a journey through time through the history of mobility. On an area of over 2,000 square metres, more than 200 vehicles...
Adult €10
10 °C
The Museum für historische Maybach-Fahrzeuge in Neumarkt in the Upper Palatinate is home to a unique exhibition of the most famous and luxurious cars of...
Adult €9.50
Sen. €9

The 5 most popular Museums in Germany

1.Meißen Porcelain Collection - Ernst Schneider Foundation at Lustheim Palace
2.German Museum Munich
3.BMW Welt and Museum Munich
4.Bavarian National Museum
5.Porsche Museum Stuttgart
Complete Ranking
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