map of all tourist attractions in Saale-Unstrut

Tourist Attractions in Saale-Unstrut

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  • max.83£
Querfurt Castle, which is over 1000 years old , rises on the outskirts of the town of the same name near Halle on the Saale in southern Saxony-Anhalt. With...
Adult €6
Sen. €6
The "Arche Nebra" takes you on an exciting journey back in time 3,600 years ago. The visitor center is located on the Mittelberg Plateau, where the Nebra...
Adult €8.50
Child €5.50
Memleben monastery and imperial palace are located in the Unstrut valley in Saxony-Anhalt. As the monastery complex was the place of death of both King...
Adult €8.90
Child €5
Sen. €8.90
Droyßig Castle is located in the Zeitz Forest, 60 kilometres from Leipzig. One of the highlights of the castle is the brown bear enclosure , which has been around since 1870. In...
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  • At the moment there are 4 tourist attractions online in Saale-Unstrut
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