map of all tourist attractions in Passau and Surroundings

Tourist Attractions in Passau and Surroundings

has more views than
  • max.102$
Pullman City is an adventure park, which is a replica Wild West town as you know them from classic Western films. There are saloons, stables, a gold digger pond and of course real...
32 °F
The museum was opened in 1982 and is located near the river Inn in Passau, Germany. All exhibit samples are archaeological finds, almost all of...
Adult €4
Child €2
Sen. €4
34 °F
Ortenburg Castle is located near Passau in South East Germany, and is over 500 years old. It is mostly known for its museum of local history, but also...
Adult €3.50
Sen. €3.50
34 °F
St. Stephan's Cathedral in Passau is a Baroque episcopal church , built between 1668 and 1692. It is located at the highest elevation between rivers Danube and Inn, which coalesce only...
34 °F
This castle ruin near Vilshofen is an excellent destination for a walk or an excursion. Every year there are also castle festivals, a Walpurgis Night, a garden market and the castle...
45 °F
Asbach Monastery is located near Rotthalmünster in the district of Passau and its exhibition is part of the Bavarian National Museum. The collection...
Adult €5
34 °F

The 5 most popular Tourist Attractions in Passau and Surroundings

1.Western Town Pullman City
2.Roman Museum Fort Boiotro
3.Ortenburg castle
4.Dome/Cathedral St. Stephan in Passau
5.Museum Asbach monastery
Complete Ranking

Tourist Attractions in Passau and Surroundings

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