Most popular tourist attractions in Passau and Surroundings (most views)

is more popular than
Pullman City is an adventure park, which is a replica Wild West town as you know them from classic Western films. There are saloons, stables, a gold digger pond and of course real...
-2 °C
The museum was opened in 1982 and is located near the river Inn in Passau, Germany. All exhibit samples are archaeological finds, almost all of...
Adult €4
Child €2
Sen. €4
Ortenburg Castle is located near Passau in South East Germany, and is over 500 years old. It is mostly known for its museum of local history, but also...
Adult €3.50
Sen. €3.50
St. Stephan's Cathedral in Passau is a Baroque episcopal church , built between 1668 and 1692. It is located at the highest elevation between rivers Danube and Inn, which coalesce only...
Asbach Monastery is located near Rotthalmünster in the district of Passau and its exhibition is part of the Bavarian National Museum. The collection...
Adult €5
This castle ruin near Vilshofen is an excellent destination for a walk or an excursion. Every year there are also castle festivals, a Walpurgis Night, a garden market and the castle...

6 most popular Tourist Attractions in Passau and Surroundings

1.Western Town Pullman City
2.Roman Museum Fort Boiotro
3.Ortenburg castle
4.Dome/Cathedral St. Stephan in Passau
5.Museum Asbach monastery
6.Castle ruin Hilgartsberg

Tourist Attractions in Passau and Surroundings

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