map of all tourist attractions in Italy

Tourist Attractions in Italy

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  • max.84£
Dumo di Pisa is located on Piazza del Duomo the „Cathedral Square“ of Pisa and owes its huge popularity around the world, to its leaning bell tower. The cathedral is actually called...
11 °C
The compound of the archeological park in Baratti and Populonia is home of many sights, which can be explored on a guided tour or all by yourself via...
Adult €27
Child €22
Sen. €22
13 °C
The aquarium of Genua is one of the biggest aquariums in Europe and offers many spectacular insights on the life underwater. The aquarium holds overall 70 exhibition...
The Tower of Pisa is actually a campanile, a free-standing bell tower, originally planned for the adjacent cathedral. In 1173 the foundation stone was...
Adult €20
Child €20
Sen. €20
11 °C
You want to spend a day in the Neolithic? Live the life of a Stone Age man? You want to know what his environment looked like, what he ate, how he...
Adult €17
Sen. €15
Teatro Della Concordia is know for a rather peculiar reason: it is known to be the world's smallest theater. It holds 99 seats, devided into box and orchestra. The audience is seated...
The Canale Grande is almost 4 km (2.5 mi) long and the largest waterway in Venice. Therefore, it is the most important traffic route. The canal runs through the whole city and...
13 °C
The Trevi Fountain is the largest well in Rome and the probably best-known fountain in the world. With its 50m (55yd) of width and 26m (28yd) of height it definitely is one of the most...
10 °C
The main attraction of the museum is Ötzi, the "Iceman". It is one of the most important mummies in the world and can be visited in the South Tyrol...
Adult €13
Sen. €10
Being popular among tourists and locals alike, the Spanish Steps are indisputably one of the most beautiful places in Rome. In the native tongue of the country, Italian, the Spanish...
10 °C
A visit to the observatory "Max Valier" and the solar observatory "Peter Anich" should not be missed during a vacation in Val d'Ega. Here you can get an...
Adult €8
Sen. €8
One of the highlights of the Basilica di San Zeno are the two side wings of the entrance gate. The bronze doors there are the most preserved of the entire...
Adult €4
11 °C
Just 20 kilometres to the south of Trento in Italy is the castle of Beseno. It is not only the largest fortress in the autonomous province of Trentino....
Adult €7
Sen. €5
In the birthplace of Andreas Hofer, the Tyrolean freedom fighter , you will find the Passaier Museum, where you can learn interesting facts about the...
Adult €10
Sen. €9
This Alpine system of fortifications that today appears like a bizarre work of art, is open to rediscovery. Of special interest, is Bunker No. 20 at Resia/Reschen, near the...
The archaeological site Fumane Cave is located at Progni valley, a few kilometres north of Fumane in the Italian province of Verona. Archeaologists were...
Adult €8
Child €5
Sen. €7
12 °C
On the square, there are several replicas of statues by Michelangelo exhibited. The square has meanwhile become quite touristy. Due to it being the hub for coaches, there are...
12 °C
From the outside, this famous church is very inconspicuous, mostly because its external façade was never completed. On the inside however, the...
Adult €4
Sen. €4
11 °C
Castel Thun , also known as Thun Castle or Thun Palace, is located in the Non Valley in the Trentino-South Tyrol region of Italy . The castle was once the...
Adult €8
Sen. €6
The basilica is a so-called double church with a Basilica Superiore and an upper church as well as a Basilica Inferiore and a lower church. Interesting from an architectural point of...
Castle Tyrol sits on the castle hill above Merano in Italy. South Tyrol's name is both a landmark and a country's name. Originally, the name Tyrol was...
Adult €10
Sen. €7.50
The collection of the National Gallery is the largest and most complete in the region. The exhibits date from the thirteenth to the nineteenth century....
Adult €10
Sen. €10
16 °C
The Museum Cappella Sansevero is a former baroque church owned by the Italian noble family di Sangro. The church was originally built as a thanksgiving to...
Adult €10
13 °C
With its location at 2,355 metres, the Schneeberg Adventure Mine is the highest mine in Europe and gives you an insight into 800 years of mountain history...
Adult €30
Child €15
Sen. €25

The 5 most popular Tourist Attractions in Italy

1.Giant Swing Skyscraper Kronplatz
3.Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel
4.Forum Romanum
5.Museo Nazionale di Castel Sant Angelo
Complete Ranking

Tourist Attractions in Italy

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Italy's cultural heritage

Almost no other country has more historic sights than Italy. The scenery in the alpine regions, especially in South Tyrol and Trentino is defined by fortresses and castles. Traces of the Middle Ages dominate the northern Italian cities Venice and Milan. The Milan cathedral and St. Mark's Square in Venice are, not without reason, amongst the most beautiful sights worldwide.

One of the main destinations for culture lovers is Tuscany. Florence, Pisa and Siena have an enormous number of artifacts and buildings from the Middle Ages. A little further south, at the Gulf of Baratti and Populonia, rock tombs and settlement sites still show traces of the Etruscans, who were the first to live in this country.

Of a very special importance in Italy is its capital Rome. It is just about impossible to walk through the city without bumping into ancient Roman high culture, not to mention Rome's importance for Christianity. The Vatican City as the center of the roman-catholic belief, with St. Peter's Cathedral and the Vatican Museums, is not only a highlight for the faithful.

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