map of all tourist attractions in Italy

Castles in Italy

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  • max.84£
Isola del Garda (lit.: Garda Island) is the biggest island in North Italian Lake Garda . It is located between lakeside towns Salò and San Felice del...
Adult €43
Child €27
Sen. €39
Built as a mausoleum for the Roman Emperor Hadrian in 139 A.D., Castel Sant'Angelo was converted into a fortress by various popes in the years that...
Adult €16
The 13th-century Churburg Castle is one of the most eye-catching Renaissance castles in South Tyrol. The fortress, which perches high above Schluderns is...
Adult €14
Child €7
Towering high above the deep Eggental Canyon is the impressive Cornedo Castle. The symbol of the local municipality, it was built around 1200 by the...
Adult €7
Child €3
Sen. €5
Just 20 kilometres to the south of Trento in Italy is the castle of Beseno. It is not only the largest fortress in the autonomous province of Trentino....
Adult €7
Sen. €5
Castel Thun , also known as Thun Castle or Thun Palace, is located in the Non Valley in the Trentino-South Tyrol region of Italy . The castle was once the...
Adult €8
Sen. €6
Castle Tyrol sits on the castle hill above Merano in Italy. South Tyrol's name is both a landmark and a country's name. Originally, the name Tyrol was...
Adult €10
Sen. €7.50
The Castello del Buonconsiglio is one of the most notable castles in the Trentino-South Tyrol region and is located in the Italian city of Trento. It was...
Adult €10
Sen. €8

The 5 most popular Castles in Italy

1.Museo Nazionale di Castel Sant Angelo
2.Isola del Garda
3.Churburg Castle Schluderns
4.Cornedo Castle
5.Tyrol Castle near Merano
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