map of all tourist attractions in Saxony-Anhalt

Museums in Saxony-Anhalt

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    One of the most important historical personalities for the city of Magdeburg and Saxony-Anhalt has been Emperor Otto the Great because he founded the...
    Adult €7.50
    The "Arche Nebra" takes you on an exciting journey back in time 3,600 years ago. The visitor center is located on the Mittelberg Plateau, where the Nebra...
    Adult €8.50
    Child €5.50
    The Bauhaus in Dessau was one of the most famous schools of architecture and art . Hardly any building embodies “modernity” more than the Bauhaus and the...
    Adult €9
    Visitors to the Harzköhlerei Stemberghaus are introduced to the elaborate traditional craft of charcoal burning. The complex includes the following five areas: In the production...
    The life and legacy of the German reformer Martin Luther are told in the Luther museums. Different aspects of Luther's life and work are presented at the...
    Adult €5
    Child €2.50
    Sen. €5

    The 5 most popular Museums in Saxony-Anhalt

    1.Bauhaus Dessau
    2.Harz charcoal burning Stemberghaus near Hasselfelde
    3.Arche Nebra
    4.Luther Museums in Eisleben, Wittenberg and Mansfeld
    5.Dommuseum Ottonianum Magdeburg
    Complete Ranking

    Museums in Saxony-Anhalt

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    • At the moment there are 5 tourist attractions online in Saxony-Anhalt
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