map of all tourist attractions in Saxony-Anhalt

Webcams for sights in Saxony-Anhalt

  • max.83£
Elevation: 966 m
Here you can see the mountain station of Hexenexpress and the mountain hut Wurmberg-Alm.
44 minutes ago
Elevation: 127 m
Webcam located at historical market place in Quedlinburg. The city is an Unesco World Heritage Site.
28 minutes ago
Elevation: 49 m
Located at the top the MDR-building in Magdeburg the webcam is looking east towards the river Elbe and the cathedral of Magdeburg.
temporarily unavailable
Elevation: 111 m
The webcam shows the Marina Mücheln on the southwestern shore of the Geiseltalsee. The Geiseltalsee is the largest lake in Saxony-Anhalt.
43 minutes ago
Elevation: 307 m
Enjoy the beautiful view of Blankenburg, a small city in the Harz Mountains.
13 minutes ago
Elevation: 49 m
Located at the top the MDR-building in Magdeburg the webcam is looking east towards the river Elbe and the cathedral of Magdeburg.
temporarily unavailable
Elevation: 111 m
The webcam shows the Marina Mücheln on the southwestern shore of the Geiseltalsee. The Geiseltalsee is the largest lake in Saxony-Anhalt.
43 minutes ago
Elevation: 135 m
Check out the market square of the medieval city Naumburg in Saxony-Anhalt.
temporarily unavailable
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