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Museums in Baden-Württemberg

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  • max.84£
Since 1950, sport cars are produced at Porscheplatz in Stuttgart. So of course this is where the Porsche Museum  opened its doors...
Adult €12
Sen. €6
What is the shape of things to come? What kind of architecture is capable of conveying enthusiasm? What character should a place have to effectively...
Adult €16
Sen. €8
Technoseum presents 200 years of industrialisation history on an exhibition area of around 8,000 square metres. Displays of engineering and social history...
Adult €12
Sen. €9
Kunstmuseum Stuttgart is a piece of art itself. By night, the glass cube  that is home to the art museum starts to glow and lights up the...
Adult €6
Vitra Design Museum , located at the trijunction of Germany, France and Switzerland, is among the leading design museums in the world. Visitors learn about...
Adult €15
Sen. €12
Linden Museum in Stuttgart is one of the major European ethnological museums . Besides its various special exhibitions, the museum features permanent...
Adult €4
Sen. €4
State Museum Württemberg at the Old Castle in Stuttgart is among the oldest state museums in the region. Different exhibitions teach visitors about the...
Adult €6
Ulm Museum is divided into three sections: archaeology, Old Arts, and Modern Arts. You can explore them individually or in the course of a guided tour. Furthermore, there are regularly...
Museum Humpis Quarter is located in the historical centre of Ravensburg. It is one of the best-preserved medieval residential areas. In the 15th century,...
Adult €7
Humans have five senses which influence thinking, feeling and acting. In the black forest house of senses in Grafenhausen, in the high black forest...
Adult €8.50
Child €4.50
Featuring exhibits ranging from 14th century to contemporary pieces, the State Gallery in Stuttgart is among the most popular museums in Germany. The...
Adult €7
The German Clock Museum is located in the central part of the Baden-Württemberger town Furtwangen in the Black Forest. It shows the production of...
Adult €7
Child €5
Sen. €7
For over 30 years now, the history of viticulture in the wine metropolis of Stuttgart can be traced. Surrounded by the vineyards at the foot of...
Adult €3
Presented in German and French, the entertaining exhibition in Lörrach covers the past and present history of the Three Countries region "Germany -...
Adult €3
Sen. €3
The Linden-Museum in Stuttgart is one of the largest ethnological museums in Europe. In addition to large special exhibitions, the museum presents permanent...
Adult €4
A collection of over 2000 works of art, two temporary exhibitions and a permanent exhibition on 1700 m² as well as a fantastic panoramic view of the Rhine Valley, which can be enjoyed...
The Museum "Brot und Kunst" (bread and art) is located in Ulm and focuses on the consideration of bread and food in our culture and society. The...
Adult €6
Child €5
Sen. €5
The former Museum Biedermann in Donaueschingen, now called Museum Art.Plus, presents a comprehensive collection of contemporary art by international...
Adult €6
Sen. €4
In the AUTOVISION museum you go on a journey through time through the history of mobility. On an area of over 2,000 square metres, more than 200 vehicles...
Adult €10
The entrepreneur Siegfried Weishaupt and his wife have been collecting contemporary modern works of art for 40 years. Since 2007, the collection has...
Adult €8
Sen. €6
In Bad Rappenau, in the heart of Baden-Württemberg, is the BikiniARTmuseum , the world's 1st international museum for bathing culture. On over 2000 square...
Adult €12
Sen. €12

The 5 most popular Museums in Baden-Württemberg

1.Porsche Museum Stuttgart
2.Mercedes Benz Museum Stuttgart
3.TECHNOSEUM in Mannheim
4.Kunstmuseum Stuttgart
5.Linden-Museum Stuttgart
Complete Ranking

Museums in Baden-Württemberg

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