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Museums in Baden-Württemberg

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  • max.84£
Since 1950, sport cars are produced at Porscheplatz in Stuttgart. So of course this is where the Porsche Museum  opened its doors...
Adult €12
Sen. €6
What is the shape of things to come? What kind of architecture is capable of conveying enthusiasm? What character should a place have to effectively...
Adult €16
Sen. €8
Technoseum presents 200 years of industrialisation history on an exhibition area of around 8,000 square metres. Displays of engineering and social history...
Adult €12
Sen. €9
16 °C
Kunstmuseum Stuttgart is a piece of art itself. By night, the glass cube  that is home to the art museum starts to glow and lights up the...
Adult €6
Vitra Design Museum , located at the trijunction of Germany, France and Switzerland, is among the leading design museums in the world. Visitors learn about...
Adult €15
Sen. €12
Linden Museum in Stuttgart is one of the major European ethnological museums . Besides its various special exhibitions, the museum features permanent...
Adult €4
Sen. €4
State Museum Württemberg at the Old Castle in Stuttgart is among the oldest state museums in the region. Different exhibitions teach visitors about the...
Adult €6
Ulm Museum is divided into three sections: archaeology, Old Arts, and Modern Arts. You can explore them individually or in the course of a guided tour. Furthermore, there are regularly...
13 °C
Humans have five senses which influence thinking, feeling and acting. In the black forest house of senses in Grafenhausen, in the high black forest...
Adult €8.50
Child €4.50
Museum Humpis Quarter is located in the historical centre of Ravensburg. It is one of the best-preserved medieval residential areas. In the 15th century,...
Adult €7
15 °C
Featuring exhibits ranging from 14th century to contemporary pieces, the State Gallery in Stuttgart is among the most popular museums in Germany. The...
Adult €7
The German Clock Museum is located in the central part of the Baden-Württemberger town Furtwangen in the Black Forest. It shows the production of...
Adult €7
Child €5
Sen. €7
11 °C
For over 30 years now, the history of viticulture in the wine metropolis of Stuttgart can be traced. Surrounded by the vineyards at the foot of...
Adult €3
Presented in German and French, the entertaining exhibition in Lörrach covers the past and present history of the Three Countries region "Germany -...
Adult €3
Sen. €3
The Linden-Museum in Stuttgart is one of the largest ethnological museums in Europe. In addition to large special exhibitions, the museum presents permanent...
Adult €4
The Museum "Brot und Kunst" (bread and art) is located in Ulm and focuses on the consideration of bread and food in our culture and society. The...
Adult €6
Child €5
Sen. €5
13 °C
A collection of over 2000 works of art, two temporary exhibitions and a permanent exhibition on 1700 m² as well as a fantastic panoramic view of the Rhine Valley, which can be enjoyed...
10 °C
In the AUTOVISION museum you go on a journey through time through the history of mobility. On an area of over 2,000 square metres, more than 200 vehicles...
Adult €10
10 °C
The former Museum Biedermann in Donaueschingen, now called Museum Art.Plus, presents a comprehensive collection of contemporary art by international...
Adult €6
Sen. €4
The entrepreneur Siegfried Weishaupt and his wife have been collecting contemporary modern works of art for 40 years. Since 2007, the collection has...
Adult €8
Sen. €6
13 °C
In Bad Rappenau, in the heart of Baden-Württemberg, is the BikiniARTmuseum , the world's 1st international museum for bathing culture. On over 2000 square...
Adult €12
Sen. €12
15 °C

The 5 most popular Museums in Baden-Württemberg

1.Porsche Museum Stuttgart
2.Mercedes Benz Museum Stuttgart
3.TECHNOSEUM in Mannheim
4.Kunstmuseum Stuttgart
5.Linden-Museum Stuttgart
Complete Ranking

Museums in Baden-Württemberg

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