map of all tourist attractions at the Bodensee

Tourist Attractions at the Bodensee

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  • max.102$
Mainau, a place also aptly known as the “flower island” , draws some 1.2 million visitors to its shores every year. This unique and floral island exudes a...
Adult €28
Sen. €27
39 °F
Museum Humpis Quarter is located in the historical centre of Ravensburg. It is one of the best-preserved medieval residential areas. In the 15th century,...
Adult €7
39 °F
The Salem Monkey Mountain ("Affenberg") is located between Salem and Überlingen at Lake Constance. The 20-hectare outdoor enclosure is home to more than...
Adult €12.50
Child €8.50
39 °F
If you are enthusiastic about sharks, penguins, or clownfish, Sea Life Konstanz is the perfect place for you. Explore the underwater world with your whole...
Adult €22
Child €15
39 °F
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  • At the moment there are 4 tourist attractions online at the Bodensee
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