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Sights and Landmarks in Thuringia

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A 70-step open staircase connects Erfurt Cathedral Square with the impressive church ensemble on the Domberg. There the cathedral St. Marien and the church...
Adult €5.50
Hainich is a primeval forest in the middle of Germany. Part of UNESCO World Natural Heritage of Ancient and Primeval Beech Forests , the national park was founded in 1997, and makes up...
With a length of 120 m, the Erfurt Krämerbrücke is the longest bridge in Europe to be built and inhabited throughout with houses. Numerous small galleries and shops with...
The Duchess Anna Amalia Library was one of the first publicly accessible princely libraries in Germany. Wieland, Goethe, Schiller and Herder had already...
Adult €8
The Ekhof Theatre is located in Friedenstein Castle in Gotha and is a worldwide speciality. It is the oldest baroque theatre with functioning stage machinery from the 17th century,...

The 5 most popular Sights and Landmarks in Thuringia

1.Hainich National Park
2.St Marys Cathedral Erfurt
3.Ekhof Theater Friedenstein Castle Gotha
4.Duchess Anna Amalia Library Weimar
5.Merchants Bridge Erfurt
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Sights and Landmarks in Thuringia

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