Most popular tourist attractions in Brittany (most views)

is more popular than
Dive deep into the various oceans of the world and gaze at more than 1,000 different ocean species in spectacular aquariums. The Océanopolis in Brest/...
Adult €22.90
Child €14.60
Sen. €22.90
The Île Vierge measures 82,5 meters and is the highest lighthouse in Europe. It belongs to the small village Plouguerneau in the Département Finistère....
Adult €7
Child €4
Sen. €7
13 °C
The Pink Granite Coast ('Côte de Granite Rose') by the English Channel is one of the most impressive landscapes in Brittany. The over ten kilometer long coast passage between...
12 °C
The Lighthouse of Eckmühl (Phare d'Eckmühl) rises 60 metres above the sea at the Cornouaille headland, one of the most dangerous places on the Breton...
Adult €4
Child €2
Sen. €4
14 °C
Carnac is a little French village on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean within the Département Morbihan and is known for more than 3,000 menhirs that rise high above the heath and leave...
As promising as its name, Belle-Ile-en-mer is the largest and most beautiful island in Brittany. It is located 15 km from the headland of the Quiberon peninsula in the Atlantic Ocean....
13 °C
In the Département Finistère , at the end of the world so to say, lies the Pointe du Raz, a stony cape forming the peak of Cape Sizun . The rugged cliff at the Atlantic ocean, once...
13 °C
The city of Saint-Malo rears its head proudly at the north of the Breton coast . The fortress walls of the most important harbor of the region have a...
Adult €8
Sen. €5
12 °C
Expect to discover art from the antiquity up to the present when you visit the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rennes, a museum that is worldwide recognized for its...
Adult €4
Sen. €4
11 °C
The Chateau de Fougères is a castle in the commune of Fougères in the Ille-et-Vilaine département of France. The first protection systems of the castle...
Adult €10
Child €5
Sen. €10
The culture complex Les Champs Libres opened in 2006 and is located in the heart of Rennes , directly at the Esplanade Charles de Gaulle . This place has been used for festivities,...
11 °C
Located between Saint-Malo and Saint-Brieuc , Cape Fréhel counts as one of the most impressive natural monuments of Brittany. The headland at the Côte d'Émeraude extends from...
Brittany is well-known for its dolmen and megaliths. In many places you can discover the imposing stone monuments and absorb their magic. The biggest dolmen...
Adult €3
Sen. €3
11 °C
Numerous myths and legends are entwined around the mystic Forest of Brocéliande in the heart of Brittany, as the story of King Artus begins here. Follow the traces of the king and his...
Pénestin in southern Brittany is a wonderful seaside resort, which offers around ten fine sandy beaches over a 25 kilometer long coast. The highlight, however, is the enchanting Mine...
On the north coast of Brittany, you will discover the i sland of Île de Bréhat , which is surrounded by countless cliffs and 86 small islets. The 3.5-kilometre-long and...
11 °C
Adult €25.90
Child €19.90
Sen. €25.90
Adult €6
Child €2.50
Sen. €6
12 °C
Explore the most beautiful underwater landscapes on earth surrounded by sharks and giant turtles at the Saint-Malo Grand Aquarium. The aquarium,...
Adult €18.50
Child €13.50
Sen. €18.50
12 °C

10 most popular Tourist Attractions in Brittany

1.Océanopolis Brest
2.The lighthouse of the Île Vierge
3.Côte de Granit Rose – the Pink Granite Coast
4.Phare d'Eckmühl - Point Penmarch Lighthouse
5.Carnac Stones
6.Belle-Ile-en-Mer – the beautiful island
7.The promontory Pointe du Raz
8.The castle Saint-Malo
9.Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rennes
10.Chateau de Fougères

Tourist Attractions in Brittany

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