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Museums in Styria

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Mainly, the sculptures are artworks by Austrian artists as Fritz Wotruba, Franz West, and Erwin Wurm. But one will also discover sculptures by internationally known sculptors, such...
The scientific collection of the museum Joanneum in Graz includes botany, geology, paleontology and mineralogy. The range of specimens on display form...
Adult €12
Sen. €11
A highlight one shouldn't miss is the hall of mirrors, which was most probably modelled on Palace Schönbrunn. The cultural historical collection has...
Adult €11
Sen. €10
The room „Balthasar Eggenberger“ is dedicated to the finance tycoon Balthasar Eggenberger, the richest citizen of Graz during the late middle ages. You...
Adult €12
Sen. €11
Until today an army of 5000 men could be equipped with the conserved weapons. What makes the museum in Graz unique is its authenticity. The arsenal was...
Adult €12
Sen. €11
In the spacious rooms of the Joanneum quarter, one can nowadays enjoy visual arts of two centuries. Starting in the year 1800, the visitors are...
Adult €12
Sen. €11
Nowadays these collections are displayed in the museum. Over time more and more exhibits were added with the result that the museum now, holds over 16...
Adult €12
Sen. €11
The Kunsthaus in Graz houses a permanent exhibition of contemporary art from Austria and the world from 1960 to the present day. But the big highlight is...
Adult €12
Sen. €11
Austria's largest hunting museum is located in Stainz Castle, built in 1695. The founder of the Universal Museum, Archduke Johann, bought the castle in...
Adult €12
Sen. €11

The 5 most popular Museums in Styria

1.Universal Museum Joanneum – Austrian Sculpture Park
2.Universal Museum Joanneum - Natural history museum
3.Universal Museum Joanneum - Museum in the Palais
4.Universal Museum Joanneum – Coin Cabinet
5.Universal museum Joanneum – Arsenal museum
Complete Ranking
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  • At the moment there are 9 tourist attractions online in Styria
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