Most popular tourist attractions in Portugal (most views)

is more popular than
Die Dom Luís bridge (Portuguese: Ponte Dom Luís I) is an architecturally interesting building in Porto . The Portuguese city lies in the North of the country directly on the coast...
10 °C
The Torre de Belém is one of the most famous landmarks in Lisbon . It is located in the west of the city in the Belém district, directly at the mouth of...
Adult €8
Sen. €4
13 °C
The "Cork Museum" is part of the "WOW Porto" cultural complex , along with "The Chocolate Story Museum" and the "Porto Region Across the Ages...
Adult €39
Child €19
Sen. €39
10 °C
In the middle of the historic district of Gaia, lies "The Chocolate Story Museum". It is part of the "WOW Porto" cultural complex , along with the "Planet...
Adult €39
Child €19
Sen. €39
10 °C
The "Porto Region Across The Ages" (PRATA) Museum is located, along with six other museums, in the "WOW Porto" cultural complex. The museum takes you on a...
Adult €39
Child €19
Sen. €39
10 °C

5 most popular Tourist Attractions in Portugal

1.Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Dom Luís I)
2.Torre de Belém near Lissabon
3.Planet Cork Museum in Porto
4.The Chocolate Story Museum in Porto
5.Porto Region Across the Ages Museum

Tourist Attractions in Portugal

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