map of all tourist attractions in Switzerland

Castles in Switzerland

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  • max.84£
Habsburg Palace is the main residence of the Habsburg royal family. Ever since their twin castle was founded in 1020, the House of Habsburg went on striving for glory and imperial...
One of three UNESCO World Heritage castles, Castelgrande rises over the town of Bellinzona. Its shape is characterised by the 89 feet tall "White...
Adult €15
Sen. €8
Montebello castle thrones at almost 300 feet above the city of Bellinzona in the Swiss Canton of Ticino. The fortification was declared UNESCO World...
Adult €10
Child €5
Sen. €5
Sasso Corbaro is one of the three castles in Bellinzona that were declared UNESCO World Heritage in 2000. The fortification towers around 755 feet above...
Adult CHF15
Sen. CHF8
Lenzburg Castle is one of the most beautiful and important high-altitude castles in Switzerland . The present castle complex has a building history of 900...
Adult CHF14
Child CHF8
Sen. CHF14
Haldenstein Castle was built at the beginning of the 16th century and extended and splendidly furnished in 1544-48. Not least because it reflects very well the historical transition...
Wildegg Castle consists of several buildings which can all be visited. Inside the castle there is a living museum. The castle is surrounded by a vegetable...
Adult CHF14
Child CHF8
Sen. CHF14
Hallwyl Castle was founded in the late 12th century. It owes its name to the noble Aargau family of Hallwyl who lived in the castle for 800 years....
Adult CHF14
Child CHF8
Sen. CHF14

The 5 most popular Castles in Switzerland

1.Habsburg Palace
2.Castelgrande in Bellinzona
3.Montebello in Bellinzona
4.Sasso Corbaro in Bellinzona
5.Lenzburg Castle
Complete Ranking
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