Bayerische Zugspitzbahn Bergbahn AG

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Postal Code82467
CityGarmisch- Partenkirchen
Country: Germany

Entries by Bayerische Zugspitzbahn Bergbahn AG

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Visitors to Germany’s highest peak – the Zugspitze – can look forward to an absolutely top-notch cable car ride up to the summit. The Zugspitze Cable...
Adult €66
Child €33
The Zugspitze, with a height of 2.962 meters (9717 ft) and its unbelievable location, is a mountain for everything and everyone. The largest mountain in...
Adult €66
Child €33
-8 °C
The AlpspiX viewing platform is located at an altitude of 2050 metres at the summit of Osterfelderkopf, about 50 metres from the mountain station of the...
Adult €35.50
Child €18
-3 °C


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