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Museums in South Tyrol

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  • max.84£
The Museum Gherdëina accommodates artefacts depicting the Grödner culture derived from various areas and eras. The little and lovely (partially)...
Adult €8
Sen. €6
Located in Cassino, Italy, the Ladin Ursus Ladinicus Museum takes you back in time to a prehistoric era. Hence the Latin term “ursus”, meaning “bear” in...
Adult €10
Sen. €8
The South Tyrol Planetarium is also the only one of its kind in South Tyrol. Unlike the observatory, the planetarium reveals the secrets of our universe and...
Adult €7
Sen. €5
At the Collepietra Museum, visitors can take an unforgettable journey back in time through the history of Tyrol. Rural life, the role of religion, forgotten...
Adult €7
Child €4
Sen. €5
The history of the village of Curon/Graun is closely tied to the construction of the dam on Resia Lake, for which hundreds of families of Curon and Resia/Reschen lost...
In this museum, everything revolves around one of the greatest inventions, many of whom have still come to know her and her typical rattling - the...
Adult €7
Sen. €6.30
You want to spend a day in the Neolithic? Live the life of a Stone Age man? You want to know what his environment looked like, what he ate, how he...
Adult €17
Sen. €15
A visit to the observatory "Max Valier" and the solar observatory "Peter Anich" should not be missed during a vacation in Val d'Ega. Here you can get an...
Adult €8
Sen. €8
-2 °C
The main attraction of the museum is Ötzi, the "Iceman". It is one of the most important mummies in the world and can be visited in the South Tyrol...
Adult €13
Sen. €10
In the birthplace of Andreas Hofer, the Tyrolean freedom fighter , you will find the Passaier Museum, where you can learn interesting facts about the...
Adult €10
Sen. €9

The 5 most popular Museums in South Tyrol

1.Museum Gherdëina
2.Ladin Ursus Ladinicus Museum
3.South Tyrol Planetarium
4.Star observatory and sun observatory
5.Collepietra/Steinegg Museum
Complete Ranking
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