Tourist Attraction Partschins Waterfall in the Meraner Land: Position on map

Partschins Waterfall


Partschins Waterfall
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Partschins waterfall only falls for less than 100 metres.
via Facebook   © Tourismusverein Partschins mit Rabland und Töll Partschins waterfall only falls for less than 100 metres.

Only a few kilometres away from Meran, you can find a stunning natural spectacle. Partschins waterfall may not be the highest (97m/318ft), but it is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the Alpine area. Especially in early summer, when the snowmelt lets up to 10,000 liters of water per second plummet down into the abyss, a visit is very impressive. On sunny days, the waterfall is particularly beautiful between 10 and 12 am, when the fine spray mist sparkles in all colours of the rainbow. A footpath leads from Gasthaus Wasserfall to the falls.

How to get there

Partschins is located around 10km/6.2mi north-west of Meran. From there, 3km/1.9mi divide you from the waterfalls. You can drive all the way to Gasthaus Wasserfall, However, there are also numerous hiking trails that lead to the waterfalls.


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Tourismusverein Partschins, Rabland und Töll
Spaureggstraße 10
+39 0473 967 157
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