Polo Museale Fiorentino

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StreetVia della Ninna
Postal Code50122
Telephone+39 055 23885
Country: Italy

Entries by Polo Museale Fiorentino

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About Polo Museale Fiorentino

Florence is famous for its history: The so called “Athens of the Middle Ages” built a home for the “fathers” of Italian artwork Cimabue and Giotto. Furthermore, Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo lived in Florence. Beside the most famous museums “Galleria degli Uffizi” and “Galleria dell Accademia” the city offers many more attractions for art lovers. Among those are the Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Museo delle Cappelle Medicee, Museo die San Marco, Palazzo Pitti, Galleria Palatina and the Galleria d'arte moderna.


On the profile of Polo Mueseale Fiorentino you have the access to further information on the diverse museums and villas that can be visited in this magnificent city.

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On the square, there are several replicas of statues by Michelangelo exhibited. The square has meanwhile become quite touristy. Due to it being the hub for coaches, there are...
The San Miniato al Monte (St. Minias on the Mountain) is a basilica that is located on a hill above the city of Florence. The basilica is often to be mentioned as one of the most...
The academy of art in Florence (Galleria dell' Accademia), which was founded by prince Cosimo I. in 1562 as the first academy for painting in Europe, is...
Adult €16
The most famous art gallery in Italy is  the so-called Uffizi (offices). Together, these offices are merged into a single building complex. The...
Adult €25


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