Bayerisches Nationalmuseum

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Postal Code80538
Country: Germany

Entries by Bayerisches Nationalmuseum

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Asbach Monastery is located near Rotthalmünster in the district of Passau and its exhibition is part of the Bavarian National Museum. The collection...
Adult €5
11 °C
The Bavarian School Museum Ichenhausen is dedicated to the history and development of the school system over several thousand years. The beginning...
Adult €4
Sen. €3
10 °C
The castle Trausnitz Castle is situated above the city and offers a beautiful view of Landshut. Visitors are guided through the castle's medieval...
Adult €5.50
11 °C
Lustheim Palace is home to the world famous Meißen Porcelain Collection of industrialist Dr. Ernst Schneider. A special focus lies on the rich diversity...
Adult €10
Sen. €8
12 °C
The Bavarian National Museum (Bayerisches Nationalmuseum) in Munich is one of the most important museums of decorative arts in Europe. It was founded...
Adult €14
Sen. €10
14 °C


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