Vivien Waldhauser

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Postal Code94121
Country: Germany
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Entries by Vivien Waldhauser

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About Vivien Waldhauser

Even as a child, I always read a lot and later also enjoyed writing and photography - I then turned these hobbies into my profession. I mainly create content for websites and social media and with TouriSpo I can finally share my passion for travelling to beautiful, interesting and exciting places. If you have any questions, you can reach me at

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The starting point of the toboggan run is comfortably reached by a modern double chairlift – and during the ride you can already take a look at the 2.9...
Adult €13
Child €11
Sen. €13
-4 °C
Querfurt Castle, which is over 1000 years old , rises on the outskirts of the town of the same name near Halle on the Saale in southern Saxony-Anhalt. With...
Adult €6
Sen. €6


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