map of all bike tracks in Salzburg

Weather in Salzburg

-10 °C
-5 °C
10 °C
15 °C
20 °C
25 °C
30 °C
35 °C
40 °C
500 m: up to 3 °C
1,000 m: up to 2 °C
2,000 m: up to 0 °C
Throughout the day, there might be a chance of showers in the north. Scattered showers are expected to give way to some clouds in the evening. In the morning, the weather in the south will be partly rainy. The sky will cloud up in the noon and a mix of sleet, freezing rain and snow is forecast. Plenty of snow is set to fall all day long. In the morning, the weather in the east will be partly rainy. The sky will cloud up in the noon and sleet is forecast. A storm system is expected to bring rain, sleet and accumulating snow. In the morning, scattered showers in the west are expected to change into lasting, intense rainfalls in the noon. A lot of rainfall is expected in the noon, which will turn into sleet in the evening. A light west breeze brings along balmy temperatures.
Bike trackTodayTomorrowThursdayFriday
Alpe Adria
Filzmoos - Hofalmen Road Bike Tour
-1 °C
-3 °C
Marbachalmen MTB Tour
  • I don't care
  • 0-100km
    0-72 h
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