Tourist Attraction Monastery Melk in Donau Lower Austria: Position on map

Webcams near the Tourist Attraction Monastery Melk

Monastery Melk
St. Pölten
Elevation: 270 m
The webcam is located in St. Pölten on the roof of the high-rise building at Neugebäudeplatz and looks over the capital of Lower Austria. Among...
3 hours ago
St. Pölten - View over the city
Elevation: 270 m
Panoramic view from the high-rise building at Neugebäudeplatz over the Lower Austrian capital St. Pölten.
3 hours ago
Panoramic view - mountain station Jauerling
Elevation: 936 m
You can see the panoramic view from mountain station Jauerling in region of Waldviertel in Lower Austria.
38 minutes ago
Base station of t-bar lift at mount Jauerling
Elevation: 866 m
You can see the t-bar lift at mount Jauerling in the region of Waldviertel, Lower Austria.
35 minutes ago
Bread-World Haubiversum in Petzenkirchen
Elevation: 257 m
The webcam shows the "Haubiversum", a museum created by the company "Haubis", where you can get an insight into a baker's work.
39 minutes ago
Mountain restaurant "Naturparkgasthaus" at mountain Jauerling
Elevation: 915 m
Here you can see the outlook from mountain restaurant "Naturparkgasthaus" at mountain Jauerling in Lower Austria.
34 minutes ago

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Webcam Information

  • 6 webcams are located near the Tourist Attraction Monastery Melk. The webcams fall into three groups, namely one live streaming webcam, one panoramic webcam und 4 further webcams.
  • The highest webcam (Panoramic view - mountain station Jauerling) is situated 936 metres above sea level, wheras the lowest webcam (Bread-World Haubiversum in Petzenkirchen) is situated 257 metres above sea level.
  • According to its visits, the webcam St. Pölten is the most popular one in the vicinity.
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