Turismo de Salamanca

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StreetPlaza Mayor (Casa de Postas)
Postal Code37002
Telephone+34 902 302002 / +34 923272408
Country: Spain

Entries by Turismo de Salamanca

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About Turismo de Salamanca

The province of Salamanca is located within the western plateau in the Autonomous region of Castile-Leon. It are mostly students that visit language schools in the equally named capital of the region during the summer. Salamanca is considered to be the place where they speak the “cleanest” Spanish, free from accents or dialects of any kind. The old town of Salamanca is named the “Golden City” because of its historic and lightly golden shimmering sandstone facades and was yet named a UNESCO World Heritage in 1988. One of the top sights of the city would be the “Catedral Nueva” (New Cathedral) that was built in 1733.

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The New Cathedral, or as the Spanish call it “Catedral Nueva”, is one of the most significant sights of Salamanca. Both the New Cathedral and the small...
Adult €10
Child €7
Sen. €9


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