Museum Picasso of Barcelona

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StreetStreet Montcada
Postal Code8003
Telephone+34 93 256 30 00
Country: Spain

Entries by Museum Picasso of Barcelona

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About Museum Picasso of Barcelona

Pablo Ruiz Picasso is one of the most famous representatives of Modern Art and the initiator of cubism. Until his death in 1973 Picasso created more than 50,000 paintings, sculptures, drawings and ceramics.


Two Picasso museums were dedicated to his work in Picasso's lifetime: One in Barcelona and the other in Antibes.


His most well-known works are probably the “Les Demoiselles d’Avignon” (The Young Ladies of Avignon) and “Guernica” a painting that was created in response to the bombing of Guernica country, a Basque Country village in northern Spain.

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The Museu Picasso is a museum located in Barcelona, the capital of Catalonia, which has its focus laid on the early life of Picasso. By Picasso's own...
Adult €15
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