Pirámides de Güímar

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StreetCalle Chacona
Postal Code38500
Telephone+34 922 514 510
Country: Spain

Entries by Pirámides de Güímar

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About Pirámides de Güímar

Thor Heyerdahl from Norway is an explorer and anthropologist. Heyerdahl is especially known for the “Kon-Tiki Expedition”, when he wanted to proof that people from South America could have settled Polynesia in pre-Columbian times. His book about the expedition reached bestseller status and sold thousands of copies.


He was part of many groundbreaking expeditions is considered one of the major pioneers of experimental archaeology. In the last years until his death he lived in Tenerife, where he dedicated his life to the The Pyramids of Güímar, six rectangular pyramid-shaped, terraced structures, built from lava stone without the use of mortar.

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The Pyramids of Güímar lie on the Spanish island of Tenerife. The staged pyramids are six in number and consist of heaped lava stones. When...
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