Real Madrid

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StreetAv de Concha Espina
Postal Code28036
Telephone+34 91 3984370
Country: Spain

Entries by Real Madrid

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About Real Madrid

Real Madrid Club de Fútbol is a Spanish football club out of the capital Madrid and one of the most successful clubs in the world.


The club can look back onto a long history proudly since its foundation in 1897. Since then the club won the European Cup or now known as the UEFA Champions League ten times, the last time only in 2014 when the club celebrated the so called “La Décima!” (“The tenth time!”) victory. Furthermore, the club won the UEFA Cup two times, the Spanish Championship 32 times and the Spanish Cup 19 times. Because of its numerous victories the club was even named “Best football club of the 20th century” by the FIFA in 2000.


Being named “Los Gálacticos” (Spanish for the galactics) by their fans, Real Madrid was always known for its supremacy and glamorous players: The motto of course tries to imply that Real Madird are so good, it is even out of this world. With the Estadio Santiago Bernabéu which was modernized in 2011 and now has place for 85, 454 visitors, the club is the host of one the biggest stadiums in the world, too.

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Estadio Santiago Bernabéu is the home stadium of Real Madrid. Due to international requirements and renovation works a capacity for 85,000 people...
Adult €35
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Sen. €35


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