Museo Nacional del Prado

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StreetCalle Ruiz de Alarcón
Postal Code28014
Telephone+34 91 330 2800
Country: Spain

Entries by Museo Nacional del Prado

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About Museo Nacional del Prado

The Museo Nacional del Prado is a museum in the Spanish capital Madrid. It is located directly on the Paseo del Prado. There are three of the most important museums of Madrid only a few meters apart situated here.


First of all the "Museo del Prado" with a unique collection of Spanish and European masters; a few steps further the "Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia", which complements the Prado museum with Spanish modern art, such as works from Picasso, Miró, Gris and Salvador Dalí. Last but not least, there is the "Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza" close by the others, which is the home of many important private art collections. Visitors can gaze at works of art from all eras starting with early Italian art masters, up until experimental Avantgarde and Pop Art here.


This triangle of museums is a must for all visitors of Madrid in which you can be absolutely astonished, even as a non art enthusiast.

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The Museo Nacional del Prado is one of the largest and most significant art museums in the world. The collections showcase artworks from the greatest...
Adult €15
Sen. €7.50


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