Guggenheim Museum Bilbao Foundation

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StreetAbandoibarra Etorbidea
Postal Code48009
Telephone+34 944 35 90 00

Entries by Guggenheim Museum Bilbao Foundation

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About Guggenheim Museum Bilbao Foundation

The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation focuses on the recognition and spread of modern art. The beneficence was founded by the art patron Salomon R. Guggenheim in 1937 in close cooperation with the German artist Hilla von Rebay. The construction and the concept of the art collection was put in place by von Rebay together with famous artists such as Wassily Kandinski, Otto Nebel and Rudolf Bauer.

Today the Foundation undertakes four Guggenheim Mueseums in New York, Venice, Bilbao and Abu Dhabi.

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In 1997, the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao was opened. It was designed by Frank Gehry and is considered to be one of the most significant buildings of modern...
Adult €18
Sen. €9


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