map of all tourist attractions in Spain

Museums in Spain

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  • max.84£
The Museo Nacional del Prado is one of the largest and most significant art museums in the world. The collections showcase artworks from the greatest...
Adult €15
Sen. €7.50
The Pyramids of Güímar lie on the Spanish island of Tenerife. The staged pyramids are six in number and consist of heaped lava stones. When...
Adult €12.50
Child €6
Sen. €12.50
16 °C
The Museu Picasso is a museum located in Barcelona, the capital of Catalonia, which has its focus laid on the early life of Picasso. By Picasso's own...
Adult €15
Sen. €7.50
14 °C
In 1997, the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao was opened. It was designed by Frank Gehry and is considered to be one of the most significant buildings of modern...
Adult €18
Sen. €9
The building contains five exhibition rooms, one project hall, one event hall, one workshop, a library and a commercial area. The floors, halls...
Adult €3
The Erotic Museum Barcelona is situated inside an old house on Rambla , one of the most famous historic streets of the city, right across the street...
Adult €13.50
Sen. €11
14 °C
The Centre for Canary Art offers a large collection of art and culture from the Canary Islands. In different halls, there are exhibitions by Canarian painters, sculptors and artists....
18 °C
Only 5 minutes from Plaza Catalunya in the centre of Barcelona you will find the Trick Art Museum Magic World. Here you can expect funny picture...
Adult €12
Child €12
Sen. €12
14 °C

The 5 most popular Museums in Spain

1.Museo Nacional del Prado
2.Pyramids of Güímar
3.Guggenheim Museum Bilbao
4.Museu Picasso Barcelona
5.MUSAC Museum
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