Bike Trail From El Cotillo to Jarugo auf Fuerteventura: Position on map

Bike Trail From El Cotillo to Jarugo

From El Cotillo to Jarugo
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Distance: 12.43 miles
Duration:3 h 30 min
Min: 10 ft
Max: 492 ft
Uphill: 482 ft

Best Season

Suitable for



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Route description

Jarugo   © Oficina Informacion Turistica Aeropuerto de Fuerteventura Jarugo

Start the tour at Stadion Municipal in El Cotillo and continue south across Calle Hermanas del Castillo Carreras until a junction. El Toston, a cylindrical shaped castle from the 18th century, will emerge in front of you.

At the junction turn left onto a not tarred road. Alongside the trail enjoy the view onto various crags and sandy beaches.

Continue futher along the shore towards south, until you get to the bird reserve „Zona de Especial Proteccion para las Aves“. Within the reserve indigenous birds like bustards and houbara bustards can be seen.

Afterwards you will get to a junction again. Turn right and bike through the 4km (2,4mi) long flat area. This area is dominated by desert-like landscape with plant occurances such as gorse. At the next junction you reach, turn left towards the mountain Tindaya, which is easy to recognise by its unique colour. Now pass the houses of Tarca and continue alongside the couloir Barranco de Esquinzo. In certain seasons water runs through the ravine and therefore the region has a great vegetation. Shrub species like Tabaiba Salvaje and Tarajales can be seen. While you continue further, palm trees will indicate your approach to the village La Roseta. Closely before the village take a sharp turn until you reach a small ascent.

After about 700 m (0.4 mi) turn left and bike 2,8 km (1.7 mi) further until you reach the foot of the mountain Tindaya, there turn right and continue into the village Tindaya. Then continue across Calle Virgen de la Caridad and turn right after about 200 m ( 0.1 mi), watch out for the old mill. Follow the road till the end of the houses of Tindaya. There at the junction turn right and continue east for about one kilometer till you reach a short descent, which will guide you back to the west coast of Fuerteventura. Now turn left towards Playa de Tebeto and continue for another 2,5 km ( 1.6 mi) southeast till you get to the beach Jarugo, the final destination of that tour.

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Highlights of the tour

A highlight of this tour are the indigenous birds within the reserve.


Playa de Jarugo auf Fuerteventura | 00:34

Getting here

By public transport:

It is generally easy to get around on Fuerteventura by public transportation. For the latest bus timetables visit Thiadhe's website.

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