Tourist Attraction Slovenský Raj National Park (Slovak Paradise) in the Region Kosice and its environs: Position on map

Webcams near the Tourist Attraction Slovenský Raj National Park (Slovak Paradise)

Slovenský Raj National Park (Slovak Paradise)
AquaCity, Poprad
Elevation: 677 m
View at the outdoor area of AquaCity in the Slovakian city Poprad.
37 minutes ago
Ski Resort Štrbské Pleso
Elevation: 1,400 m
Webcam shows the Ski Resort Strbské Pleso at the mountain Predné Solisko.
30 minutes ago
Tatranská Lomnica, Skalnaté pleso
Elevation: 1,803 m
This webcam shows Skalnate Pleso which is known to be the highest city of the Tatra Mountains.
5 minutes ago
Krompachy, Relax Centre Plejsy
Elevation: 912 m
This webcam shows you the Ski Resort Relax Centre, which is situated 2km south of Krompachy.
2 minutes ago

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Webcam Information

  • There are 4 webcams in close proximity of the Tourist Attraction Slovenský Raj National Park (Slovak Paradise).
  • The highest webcam (Tatranská Lomnica, Skalnaté pleso) is located at an altitude of 1803 metres, while the lowest one (AquaCity, Poprad) is situated at an altitude of 677 metres.
  • Most visited/viewed webcam: AquaCity, Poprad
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