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Weather in Hungary

14 °F
23 °F
32 °F
41 °F
50 °F
59 °F
68 °F
77 °F
86 °F
95 °F
104 °F
Central Transdanubia
1640 ft: up to 32 °F
The sky is covered by clouds today in the north, south, west and east. The temperature is about 34 °F. Temperatures are not far from normal, but the breeze from the northeast keeps it from feeling as warm as it could if there were no wind.
34 °F
36 °F
36 °F
37 °F
Central Hungary
Reaching a high near 34 °F, the weather in the north, south, west and east is going to be partly cloudy today. There is a gentle wind coming from the east.
34 °F
35 °F
35 °F
36 °F
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