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Weather in Brazil

14 °F
23 °F
32 °F
41 °F
50 °F
59 °F
68 °F
77 °F
86 °F
95 °F
104 °F
Rio de Janeiro
Sunny skies team up with temperatures of 90 °F today in the north, south, west and east. A light southeast breeze brings along balmy temperatures.
90 °F
93 °F
99 °F
90 °F
São Paulo
3281 ft: up to 90 °F
The sky is covered by clouds today in the north, south, west and east. The temperature is about 90 °F. Temperatures are not far from normal, but the breeze from the northwest keeps it from feeling as warm as it could if there were no wind.
90 °F
90 °F
90 °F
93 °F
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Beautiful beaches and rainforest

Brazil is one of the largest countries in the world. As the largest country in South America, it borders every state on the subcontinent apart from Chile and Ecuador.

The long coastline on the South Atlantic offers beautiful white sandy beaches, while inland the lush green rainforests of the Amazon are waiting for you. Besides the diverse nature, there are also big metropolises like Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo or Salvador da Bahia to discover. Rio is especially known for its Copacabana and Ipanema beaches and the carnival.

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