TouriSpo Magazine

It took us nearly 3 years to get this thing up and running!

created on 17 Aug 2013

It was way back in 2010 when we first decided to launch a new project which should provide outdoor fans with informations on hikes or bike tracks. The name of the project was (which is german and stands for peak-website (kinda)). As time passed by we decided to not only provide just another german outdoor website but to engineer a whole new kind of web experience. We named our idea the first world's first Social Activity Network (sounds cool doesn't it).


The idea was to allow users publish everything they love to do. Starting with the favorite restaurant in your hometown,  your favorite hiking trail or just the most beautiful beach you discovered during your travels. is the place where you can share the things you love with others. Which again allows you to maybe discover new things you would have never known about if you wouldn't have come across TouriSpo.


So users not only  should be able to share things they love, but also comment and rate places and activities - let alone we needed to implement an easy and effective way to search thousands of places and activities.A lot of stuff to program for our IT team :-)


What happened was that we missed one dealine after another and we coded so hard I missed out on nearly two summers ;-) So this is the very first blog post on TouriSpo. Right now there's not too much to discover here (at least we have data about nearly 1000 hikes, bike tracks, wonderful lake-side sites, ... online to start with) but be sure that we're working full steam to provide you with new cool stuff every day.


You wanna help us? Cool - Just sign in in the upper right corner and start publishing what you love most on this planet :-)


Rebekka, Anja, Simon, Daniela, Ben, Laura, Patrick, Miriam, Christina, Lena, Maria, Tizian, Max 1 + 2,  Peter, Johanna, Lisa, Emir, Anne,  Andrea, Florian and Martin


P.S.: Thanks to Sonja, Andi, Tom und Bernd who have left our team last year

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