map of all hikes in Upper Austria

Hiking weather in Upper Austria

-10 °C
-5 °C
10 °C
15 °C
20 °C
25 °C
30 °C
35 °C
40 °C
500 m: up to 22 °C
1,000 m: up to 19 °C
2,000 m: up to 10 °C
In the north, the forenoon is mostly cloudy, refreshed with some occasional rain in the midday. The weather will be cloudy with a small amount of rain in the midday. In the evening, clouds and light rain will break and give way to some sunshine. Sunny skies team up with temperatures of 22 °C today in the south. In the east, mostly cloudy skies in the morning will give way to determined sunshine in the noon. There will be a wonderful day full of sunshine. In the west, the forenoon is mostly cloudy, refreshed with some occasional rain in the midday. Throughout the day, there might be a chance of showers. A light southeast breeze brings along balmy temperatures.
Trail Feuerkogel Near Bad Ischl
15 °C
16 °C
18 °C
15 °C
Path Of Deceleration - Bohemian Forest (9 Days, 165 Km)
12 °C
12 °C
14 °C
15 °C
Path Of Deceleration - Bohemian Forest (6 Days, 115 Km)
17 °C
18 °C
20 °C
19 °C
  • I don't care
  • 0-100km
    0-72 h
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