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Weather in Slovakia

-10 °C
-5 °C
10 °C
15 °C
20 °C
25 °C
30 °C
35 °C
40 °C
Eastern Slovakia
500 m: up to 16 °C
1,000 m: up to 13 °C
2,000 m: up to 4 °C
The north is expected to be able to enjoy a wonderful day full of sunshine. Forecasters are predicting sunshine in the noon with a chance of rain in the evening. A mix of sun and cloud is in store in the forenoon for the south today. The forenoon is mostly cloudy, refreshed with some occasional rain in the night. In the east, the day will be partly cloudy with sunny intervals. The forenoon is mostly cloudy, refreshed with some occasional rain in the night. In the west, forecasters are predicting sunshine in the morning with a chance of rain in the noon. Throughout the day, there might be a chance of showers. Temperatures are not far from normal, but the breeze from the southeast keeps it from feeling as warm as it could if there were no wind.
17 °C
18 °C
15 °C
15 °C
Bratislava region
In the south, east and west, forecasters are predicting sunshine in the morning with a chance of rain in the noon. Scattered showers are expected to give way to some clouds in the evening. The north is expected to be able to enjoy a wonderful day full of sunshine. A mix of sun and cloud is in store in the forenoon for today. There is a gentle breeze blowing from the southeast.
20 °C
14 °C
13 °C
19 °C
Central Slovakia
500 m: up to 17 °C
1,000 m: up to 13 °C
2,000 m: up to 3 °C
The north can expect a sunny sky in the morning, leading into a mix of sun and few clouds in the noon. Sun is forecast in the midday partly. In the evening, the sky finally clears up and gives way to sunshine. In the south, forecasters are predicting sunshine in the morning with a chance of rain in the noon. Throughout the day, there might be a chance of showers. In the east, forecasters are predicting sunshine in the morning with a chance of rain in the noon. Throughout the day, there might be a chance of showers. The west is expected to be able to enjoy a wonderful day full of sunshine. Forecasters are predicting sunshine in the noon with a chance of rain in the evening. A light southeast breeze brings along balmy temperatures.
18 °C
16 °C
13 °C
17 °C
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